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Art Gallery- Caring For Community

On February 7th, the Anderson School Community came to Anderson School to celebrate the amazing art gallery hosted by Divisions 1, 2, 4, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 25.  Parents, guardians, students, and guests gathered to celebrate wonderful student art exhibits featuring artwork from Kindergarten to Grade 7.  Themes such as perspective, surrealism, pop art, famous artists, activist art, and female artists were explored and featured.

K art


One point perspective


Grade 7
Grade 5/6

With guidance from their teachers Mme Wilson, Monsieur Reed, and Ms. Pattyson, students also worked collectively to create a bake sale, craft sale, and silent auction to support the West Coast Kids Cancer Foundation.  In total, over $2000 was raised!  

Baked goods

The art gallery was an amazing experience, one where students, teachers, and the Anderson community had an opportunity to create and celebrate art together, while recognizing and supporting the greater needs of the community as a whole.


Updated: Monday, February 12, 2024