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Building Community Through Leadership

Each school year is a new opportunity to form new connections, make new friendships, and build school community.  At Anderson School, we have over 600 students and the start of the school year can be a time of transition with so many new faces.

This September during the first week of school, the intermediate teachers, led by Mme Wilson, organized a leadership week.  With students in mixed grade cohorts, each intermediate teacher taught a specific lesson on a characteristic of leadership and building school community. 

The school was alive with team building lessons, activities, and games, setting the tone for future school community building opportunities.

Below is a mural created by Anderson intermediate students during leadership week.  Inspired by the book, The Dot, it features a student response challenging students to make their mark and make the Anderson community a better place.  The mural is a collection of unique dots forming a collective contribution to community using a variety of art medium, including paper, pastel, and tempera paint.

The Dot- A collective community


Both intermediate teachers and students reported how fantastic it was to get to know a broader school community, as well as learn together through a common leadership theme.

Updated: Monday, October 16, 2023