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Rubik's Cube Celebration

To much delight of our students, Mr Chan has been working with the Rubik's Cube as part of the ADST curriculum.  (Applied Design, Skills and Technology)  Rubik’s Cubing is just one example of how we practice mathematical thinking, communication, and algorithmic pattern learning.  

We put out the bleachers, set up some "cubing tables" and had an afternoon of fun, excitement and learning!

Volunteer leaders from intermediate classes taught visiting classes basic and even advanced algorithms.  The gym was full of excitement as there were many students who had both successes and challenges.

The event finished with an exciting timed team challenge.  Many teams competed and in the end, Avelyn, Sharyn, Alex, Lincoln, and Landon from Division 18 solved their cubes the fastest in a combined time of 3 minutes and 55 seconds.  Congratulations to all of the participants, volunteers, and competitors on a great term of learning and building community through mathematics. 

Updated: Friday, February 17, 2023