January RDPA Meeting
Calling all grade 7 parents:
If you happened to attend RDPA and the School District’s joint presentation of " Most likely to Succeed,” then you will not want to miss our January meeting. We will have two District leaders from the RAIL (Richmond Academy of Innovative Learning) program presenting on our very own project based learning school. Our agenda just briefly mentions all the great things this program has to offer. If you are exploring High School options with your child you will want to come and listen to this presentation. It is a unique personalized learning opportunity that you will want to learn more about. It also can allow students the option to complete their 5 year high school program in 3-4 years.
Of course this meeting is not just for grade 7 parents- all parents and guardians are welcome!
The RDPA would like to wish you and your families the Happiest Holidays and hope time with your families and friends is filled with laughter and joy!
Hope to see you in January!
Happy Holidays,
Dionne McFie - RDPA President