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Anderson PAC

Who and What Is the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)?

All parents (and guardians) with children at Henry Anderson Elementary School are members of Anderson’s PAC.  The PAC’s primary goal is to promote effective communication between the home and the school. 

PAC information is available on the school website <>. 
Any questions or concerns can be emailed to


PAC Meetings

Once a month, the PAC Executives, PAC Members, and the School Administration, usually the Principal and Vice Principal, meet on Zoom for about an hour.  At these meetings the School Administration informs parents of what is happening at the school—past events as well as upcoming events.  Other topics of discussion may include new fundraising initiatives, how to spend PAC monies, and any other concerns that have been raised by parents.

Our PAC meetings are on the 3rd Tues. of each month @ 6:45pm, In the Multipurpose Room.

Nov 21 - Budget 
Jan 16
Feb 27
Apr 16
May 21 - Nominations
June 18 - Elections for 2024/2025!

ALL parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!  


Executives for School Year 2023 – 2024

Chair – Aisha Elgahmodi

Vice Chair – Mary Hsi 

Treasurer – Vivian Ko

Co-Treasurer - Selina Wong

Secretary – Suellen Zhou

Co-Secretary - Erin Sagarbarria


So what’s the difference between a PAC Member and a PAC Executive?

PAC Executives are those parents who have chosen to hold an official position within the PAC.  These are volunteer positions with no compensation provided by the school.  Please see below for a short description of each position.

PAC Members can help the PAC throughout the year in fundraising or other initiatives or simply just attend the PAC meetings to find out what’s happening at the school.


PAC Executive Positions

Chair – The leader of the PAC who runs the meetings and ensures that each PAC Executive is doing their job. 

Vice Chair – Secondary leader who steps in when the Chairperson is absent.

Secretary/Co Secretary –  Creates agenda with PAC Execs, record minutes at each PAC meeting, checks the email account and makes them available to PAC Members.

Treasurer/Co Treasurer – Keeps track of PAC accounts and submits the BC Gaming Fund Application*.

*    Each year the provincial government provides the PAC with money (currently $20/student) to spend on extracurricular activities for students, like field trips, gym equipment, and computers.  This money is usually referred to as the “gaming grant” and is administered through a separate account.  However, there are some statutory limitations on the use of the gaming grant.  The PAC also fundraises, primarily through Pizza Days, to raise additional money that can be used for curricular (i.e., in class) activities.  


PAC Volunteer Opportunities

The following is a list of some of the parent volunteer opportunities :

Hot Lunch Program - Help plan / organize and hand out lunches to students.

Book Fair – Help sell Scholastic books to students in the school foyer to raise money for the library.

Purdy's Chocolates - Help sell and hand out chocolates.


NEWS - Thank you for your support! 

- Scholastic Bookfair raised over $4000 for the library!

- Purdy's Chocolates raised over $300 for the PAC!

- Art Created for Kids raised over $1000 for the PAC!

PAC News

Safe Arrival

Posted: Sep 13 2017

First PAC Meeting

Posted: Sep 11 2017


Posted: Feb 2 2016

PAC Materials

Nominations for PAC Executive positions are now open for the 2024 - 2025 school year. 提名现已开放,申请2024年至2025年学校年度的家长咨询委员会执行委员会职位

Completed nomination forms must be received via email: by 12pm, May 31st, 2024.  完成的提名表格必须通过电子邮件发送至,截止日期2024531日中午12Elections will be held at the PAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) in June 2024. 选举将于20246举行的家长咨询委员会年度大会(AGM)上进行